Plant nutrients plays a large role in the Danish policy dialogue. Nutrients are related to several policy areas, whereof some important are waste handling, environmental protection, critical materials, soils and climate change. The Interreg Baltic co-financed CiNURGi project has a goal to support the increase of nutrient recycling from nutrient containing organic wastes, since this means a reduction of the nutrient loads on our nature, and would have a huge importance for our economy and welfare. ORGANE has in this connection analysed the current nutrient recycling in Denmark. However, considering the dynamics of our society combined with the foreseen time lag from reacting on the conclusions of this reports, including time for needed policy decisions and practical implementation, the report applies future scenario perspectives. The applied future perspectives are not least made necessary due to the “Green agreement”, that will change the cultivated area and cropping pattern in Denmark in the coming years. Therefore, the report analyse future “Do nothing” and “Optimised” scenarios for 2034, which among other assumes the recent “Green agreement” is implementeda, and furthermore assesses the effect of a halving of nutrient losses in farming.
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